Filters can be applied to a widget to refine the results displayed. When adding multiple filters, a logical AND is applied between the filters.
An example would be to add a Directory Filter to filter to the Sales department combined with Call Direction of Outbound. The widget would only display data that matches both filters, Outbound calls placed by members of the Sales department. All other data will be excluded.
Configured vs. Quick Filters #
Configured Filters #
To setup Filters for a Widget, click the three-dots at the top-right and select Configure Filters. Use the Add More Filters button to add more filters to the widget. When the Widget first loads, all configured Filters will be applied.
Quick Filters #
Quick Filters can be applied when viewing a widget. Quick filters are applied temporarily. When the page is refreshed, Quick Filters are removed. To apply a Quick Filter, click the Filter button at the top-right of the widget. The Quick Filter dialog will only show the configured Filters.
Operators #
Includes: Filters for the selected options
Not Includes: Filters out the selected options
Like: Semi-colon separated list of patterns to include. Patterns can include wildcards: ‘*’ (Any number of characters) or ‘?’ (A single character)
Not Like: Semi-colon separated list of patterns to exclude. Patterns can include wildcards: ‘*’ (Any number of characters) or ‘?’ (A single character)
Filters #
Data Source #
Filters Data Sources to be included in the widget. Supports Includes, Not Includes, Like, and Not Like.
When using the Includes and Not Includes operators, a list of Data Sources will be shown. Check the relevant Data Sources and click Select Filter.
When using the Like and Not like operators, input a semi-colon separated list of patterns. The example pattern below filters for all Data Sources that start with “Cisco Cluster”:
Extension Location #
Filters specific Extension Locations to be included in the widget. Supports Includes, Not Includes, Like, and Not Like.
When using the Includes and Not Includes operators, a list of Extension Locations will be shown. Check the Extension Locations to filter for and click Select Filter.
When using the Like and Not like operators, input a semi-colon separated list of patterns. The example pattern below filters for all Extensions that start with “Office”:
Call Disposition #
Filters specific Call Dispositions. Supports Includes operator.
Add an option by clicking the dropdown and selecting a new option. To remove an option, click the X next to its name.
Call Direction #
Filters for specific Call Directions. Supports Includes operator.
Add an option by clicking the dropdown and selecting a new option. To remove an option, click the X next to its name.
Directory Filter #
Filters for specific Directory Organizations. Supports Includes operator.
To filter for all Org Units, check “Entire Organization selected”
To filter for specific Org Units, uncheck “Entire Organization selected” and check the Org Units to filter for.
When filtering for many Org Units with a similar name, use the Search to find the Org Units and choose “Select All” to filter for them all.