Below are examples of the types of Widgets that can be added to the Dashboard.
Activity by Call Direction #
The Activity by Call Direction widget shows a breakdown of calls by Call Direction for the past 30 days. This widget can be used to quickly see the number of Inbound, Outbound, Internal, and Trunk to Trunk calls. Use this widget to spot anomalies in call volumes. By adding filters, you can explore information for certain groups (such as departments) within the organization. Adding multiple instances of the widget can provide side-by-side comparisons of different segments within your company. Chart based drill down is supported and steps from months down to hours.
Activity by Call Type #
The Activity by Call Type widget shows a breakdown of calls by Call Type for the past 30 days. The widget provides information about the classification of the call placed, including Local, Long Distance, International, and more. Users will commonly apply a data source filter to monitor usage. Chart based drill down is supported and steps from months down to hours.
Call Handling #
The Call Handling widget provides an hourly view of Call Dispositions within your company. Call Disposition is broken down into Inbound Answered, Inbound Abandoned, and Outbound. This is an ideal way of monitoring how calls are being handled in your company. If you see many abandoned calls during certain hours of the day, you may want to look at staffing. For best results, apply filter organizational filters to the area you are interested in monitoring. Chart based drill down is supported and steps from months down to hours.
Top Organizations by Count #
Top Organization by Count shows a breakdown of the number of calls grouped by organizational level. This widget is useful for seeing call activity by Organization and identifying the highest call utilization. Chart based drill down is supported and steps through your directory hierarchy. The lowest level available is a user.
Long Duration Calls #
Long Duration Calls shows the ten longest calls for the selected filters. Long duration calls can be a source of abuse and even toll-fraud. By monitoring the call duration, issues can be detected quickly. A data source filter is typically applied to segment traffic based on source.