This page describes the options available for Queue Summary reports. There are three prebuilt templates included in the application:
- Microsoft Teams Queue Summary by Handling Type
- Microsoft Teams Queue Summary by Final Action
- Microsoft Teams Queue Daily & Hourly Trend by Handling Type
The prebuilt templates can be run with little customization needed. However, the templates can be modified to meet your business needs and layout preferences.
Summary Report Configuration #
Summaries #
This section allows a user to configure what type of data is included in the report.
Summary Breakouts #
There are four major categories of summaries available. Queue Source Type, Queue Disposition, Queue Handling Type, and Queue Final Option. These breakouts become the baseline for the report. Once selected, a user can pick from a variety of metrics to include in the report. A definition of each breakout and metric can be found on our Queue Metrics page.
Times to Include #
A user has the option to add Queue Time, Talk Time, or neither to a report.
- Queue Time: How long the Caller was waiting in the queue before the call was answered.
- Talk Time: How long the Agent talked to the Caller.
For each included time a user can add any of the following calculations:
- Sum: The set of data added together.
- Average: The sum divided by the count of the set of data, otherwise known as the arithmetic mean.
- Minimum: The lowest value in the set of data.
- Maximum: The largest value in a set of data.
Include Times For #
This option works in combination with Queue Time and Talk Time.
- Totals Only: Use this option if you only want to see the Total Queue or Talk Time.
- Totals and Breakouts: Use this option if you want to see the total for each breakout that was selected.
Here is an example scenario when Queue Source Type and Sum of Queue Time are selected.
Totals Only #
Only the Sum of Queue Time is provided in the report.
Totals and Breakouts #
The Total Sum of Queue Time is included along with the Sum of Direct, User, and Queue. In this example a user can see how each part adds to the total.
Include Service Level #
When this option is selected a column is added for the service level of a queue.
Service Level is the percent of calls answered over a period of time. The amount of time is defined in the Queue configuration. Service Level is calculated over the entire data range being displayed.
Summary Display Options #
This section defines how data is displayed and the layout of the report.
Sorting #
Sort By and Sort Order work together. First select the option you want to sort by, then select Ascending or Descending.
Show Breakouts with No Data #
The default value is Hide Breakouts With No Data. This eliminates columns or row that contain all zeros. Below is an example of a Queue Handling Type report with the Hide Breakouts option selected.
The same report was run with the Show Breakouts With No Data option selected. It now includes the Timed Out, Overflow, and No agents columns which had no data.
Show Queue As #
- Name: The display name of the Queue.
- UPN: The UPN as provided by Microsoft Teams.
Show Summaries As #
This option allows a user to change the layout of a report. By default the Summaries are displayed in columns, similar to all the prior examples. If you select Show Summaries as Rows the summarized data will be grouped in columns per each queue. This is helpful when used in combination with date groupings. Below is an example of the same Queue Handling Type report with the Show Summaries as Rows option selected.
Summary Order #
By default summary reports put all the count columns first, then put the time columns (if selected). The Show Counts and Times by Breakout changes the Count and Time of a particular grouping next to each other. Below is an example of a Queue Source Type report with this option selected.
Summary Groups #
Summary Groups allow a user to add date groupings to a report. The default option is to group by Queue Only. If you want to add date groups to your reports select Queue and Date Groups. You will be presented with additional options.
Show Date Group As #
Date groups can be added as columns or rows. Up to 3 groupings can be applied. Below is an example with “Show Date Group As” Rows. The date runs vertically and the Queue names are moved to the top of the report.