Why is my report blank? #
Answer: There may be no available call data to report on for the selected date range, and constraint criteria. First check the Data Available field in the Constraints section of your report settings. Make sure there are no spaces or dashes in the phone numbers, and separate values with a semi-colon.
How can I gather information on a number without running a report? #
Answer: Call Exploration is a great tool when you need detailed information on a phone number, but don’t need to run a report. Select Call Exploration from the Reporting dropdown menu at the top of the page.
Can I see all existing reports, and who created them? #
Answer: To see all reports and their owners as an Admin user, select Reports from the Reporting dropdown menu at the top of the page. In the top-right corner, select the gear wheel, and then Maintenance from the drop-down list.
Can I graph my report data by hour of the day? #
Answer: No. That feature is currently only available when looking at the Hunt Group option of the Administration section of the Infortel website.
Why are my search results not what I expect? #
Answer: If you are constraining on incoming phone numbers into your organization, select the phone number constraint. If you are interested in activity on internal extensions, use the extension constraint.
Why is my wildcard search not working? #
Answer: Be sure to use the includes option when using the like drop down with “*/asterisk” in the lookup field to generate more inclusive search results.
What are call types of Internal (P) versus Internal (R)? #
Answer: (P) stands for “placed”, and (R) is for “received”. The field attribute can be changed to reflect the full type name.