What is a Queue Dashboard? #
A Queue Dashboard is designed to give quick and easy insights into your Microsoft Teams Queues. This Dashboard shows things like Queue Service Level, Answered/Missed calls, calls that went to voicemail and much more.
Queue Dashboard Overview #
The Queue Dashboard is broken out into 4 sections
- Title Bar: The Title Bar includes the name of the Queue Dashboard, the filtered for date/time range, date/time button to update date/time range filter, reload, and more options.
- Queue Bar: The Queue Bar includes the name of the selected Queue, and a button to expand/collapse the Queue Selector
- Queue Selector: The Queue Selector lists all queues you have access to/are configured for the current dashboard. Click on a quick to switch to that queue.
- Widgets: The rest of the page displays the configured widgets.
Create a Queue Dashboard #
- Login to ISI Analytics
- Expand the left navigation using the
- Click the + button next to Queue Dashboards
- Give you Dashboard a name and select a Copy From option. You can Copy From a Blank Dashboard, our provided Default Template, or any other Dashboard you have created.
Customizing a Queue Dashboard #
To customize the Queue Dashboard, click the three-dots at the top-right and select Edit Dashboard. When you’re done editing click the
Rename Dashboard #
To rename the dashboard, edit the Dashboard Name at the top-left.
Filter Available Queues #
If you’d like to limit the Dashboard to only a certain set of queues, click the
Rearrange/Resize Widgets #
Widgets can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the anywhere on the page.
Widgets can be resized by putting your mouse at the bottom-right corner, and dragging to resize
Add Widget #
To add a new widget, click the icon at the top-right and select the type of widget.
Edit a Widget #
To edit a widget, click the three-dots at the top-right of a widget and select Edit Widget
Queue Metrics #
Max Metrics Per Row: The max number of metrics to show in each row. As you resize the widget, it may show less metrics per row.
Metrics: Use the + Add Metric button to add more metrics. Select the Metric, Calculation, and Display As value for the metric you’d like to display. Use the trash icon to remove a metric, and the 6-dots to reorder.
Agent #
Sort By: Select how you’d like to sort your agents.
Metrics: Use the + Add Metric button to add more metrics. Select the Metric, Calculation, and Display As value for the metric you’d like to display. Use the trash icon to remove a metric, and the 6-dots to reorder.
Donut #
Widget Name: Friendly name for the widget
Group By: The field the donut widget will breakout by
Graph Type: Widget can be displayed as a pie or donut chart
Timeseries #
Metrics Tab
- Name: Friendly name for the widget
- Group Time By: Updates the X-Axis to be Week, Day, or Hour.
- Type: The kind of data to be shown in the widget
- Queue Call Counts: Breaks the widget out by call counts like Queue Handling Type
- Graph Type: Vertical Bar, Horizontal Bar, Line, or Area
- Group By: The field the donut widget will breakout by
- Queue Call Times: Breaks the widget out by call times like Queue Time and Talk Time
- Graph Type: Line, or Area
- Metrics: The time metrics to show in the graph
- Top 10 Agents: Shows the distribution of the Top 10 Agents in the queue during the selected date/time range
- Graph Type: Vertical Bar, Horizontal Bar, Line, or Area
- Graph Type: Vertical Bar, Horizontal Bar, Line, or Area
- Queue Call Counts: Breaks the widget out by call counts like Queue Handling Type
Date/Time tab
By default, Override Dashboard date/time is not selected. When this option is not selected, the date/time range of the widget will be based on the date/time range of the Dashboard. If you’d like to override this time range so the widget always shows 7 days, for example, you can enable Override Date/Time. Standard date/time range options exist to customize the widget.
Using a Queue Dashboard #
Once your dashboard is customized, you can easily switch between queues, change date/time range, and drill down.
Switch Queues #
To switch between queues, use the
Update Date/Time Range #
To update the date/time range of the Queue Dashboard, click the icon at the top-right. Use the Date and Time dialog to select your date range.
- Date Range
- Specific: A specific date/time range, up to 31 days
- Relative: A relative time range for the Last X Days/Hours, up to 31 days
- Current Queue Period: Filters for ‘today’ as defined by the Queue configuration. Some queues may run overnight, like 5pm-8am. This option takes this into account when filtering for data.
- Time: The time range to include, along with the Timezone to display data in.
Drilldown #
Drilldown is available to quickly get call details.
Queue/Agent Metrics #
On the Queue Metrics and Agents widgets, you can click on certain metrics to drilldown. As you hover over a value, if it highlights in purple, you can click on the metric to drilldown to the details. Once you click on the metric, a dialog will come up with the details of the calls. More information about the detail fields can be found here.
Donut Widgets #
Donut widgets offer a visual drilldown of data, following the path of the call. Drilldown goes in the order of Queue Source Type -> Queue Disposition -> Queue Handling Type -> Queue Final Action.
If you have a Queue Handling Type widget, for example, you can click on the Answered segment and see the calls that were Completed by Agent or Transferred to somewhere else.
Timeseries Widgets #
Timeseries widgets offer a visual drill down of data, following units of time. Drilldown goes in the order of Week -> Day -> Hour.
If you have a Timeseries widget broken out by day, for example, you can click on a Day to see it broken out by hour.