What is a Filter? #
A filter is a rule to include or exclude data from a report. Multiple filters can be applied to refine your results. A logical AND operator is used when applying multiple filters. This means that all filters must equal “true” for the data to be included in the report.
Getting Started #
This document provides information for applying Filters to a Report Template. Before you begin, please ensure you have the following:
- Credentials to login to ISI Analytics
- The “Report Admin” or “Report User” role is assigned to your user
- A New or Existing Template
Customize Filters #
- Follow these instructions to Add or Edit a Template
- Click the Filters Tab
- Locate the Filter you want to apply, the Search bar can be used to easily find filters. Once found click the Filter name
- Repeat Step 3 until all desired Filters have been applied
- Optionally, click the
- Optionally, click the
- Click the
Types of Filters #
Text Filters #
Text filters allow for multiple entries in a single field. A logical OR is applied to each entry. When adding values, press Enter for each item in the list. These fields also accept a semicolon separated or line-carriage delimited list.
Available Operators #
- equals
- does not equal
- like
- not like
- starts with
- ends with
Like and Not Like Operators support the following wildcards:
- Asterisk (*) which represents zero, or multiple characters
- Question Mark (?) which represents a single character
Numeric Filters #
Numeric filers do not allow for multiple entries. Numeric filters will change based on the field type and options selected.
Available Operators #
- equals
- does not equal
- Greater Than
- Less Than
- Between
Lookup Filters #
Lookup Filters have predefined options that can be selected from a list. Multiple entries can be selected.
Available Operators #
- Equals
- Does Not Equal
Directory Filter #
The Directory Filter is a lookup filter with additional options. Use the Directory filter when you want to select data specific to your organization’s directory configuration. In this example only data from the Charlotte Department will be included in the report.