What is a Report Template? #
A report template creates a defined format and parameters for a report, specifying the available columns and filters. Templates can be run on-demand, shared with other users, or scheduled to automatically generate reports at specified times.
Getting Started #
This document provides the instructions for customizing a detail-style Template. Before you begin, please ensure you have the following:
- Credentials to login to ISI Analytics
- The “Report Admin” or “Report User” role is assigned to your user
- A New or Existing Template
Add and Customize Fields #
Columns #
Under the Fields tab, all available fields for the template are shown in the menu on the left. You can use the search the box to quickly locate specific fields. To add a field, drag it to the Columns section or check it and select Add Column(s).
To rearrange fields, drag and drop them into whatever order you need.
Each field can be customized using the Attributes options. Default attribute options are Custom Column Name, Sort, and Alignment. To customize attributes, click the Attribute button on the field.
Groups #
Optionally, Groups can be added to your data by clicking the Group By radio button at the top-left of the Fields tab. To add a group, drag it to the Groups section or check it and select Add Group(s).
General Options #
The General tab includes general options to customize your template, like Date, Time, and Duration Format.
Filter Your Data #
More information about filtering data can be found here.