Field Name | Field Group | Description |
Account Code | Call Field | The Account Code or Name used on the call. An account code or Name assigns a call to a specific account or client. |
Auth Code | Call Field | The code entered by a user, prior to making a call, that provides additional calling privileges. |
Call Direction | Call Field | The classification of how the call passed through the calling platform. Values: Inbound, Outbound, Internal, or Trunk to Trunk. |
Call Type | Call Field | The classification of the Jurisdiction. Ex: Local, Long Distance, International, Info/Assist, Inbound, etc. |
Called Party | Call Field | The party that received the call. |
Calling Party | Call Field | The party that placed the call. |
ConferenceID | Call Field | A Unique ID associated with each leg of a conference call. |
Data Source Group Name | Call Field | This is the name of the group to which the data source belongs. |
Data Source Name | Call Field | Name of the Data Source the call is associated with. |
Duration | Call Field | Duration of the call. |
Extension | Call Field | Identifier of the internal user that placed or received the call. |
Extension Location | Call Field | Extension Location maps extensions into logical groups. This is the Extension Location to which the extension on an outbound, inbound, or the originator of an internal call belongs |
Extension Location Destination | Call Field | Extension Location maps extensions into logical groups. This is the Extension Location to which the receiving extension on an internal call belongs. |
Line Type | Call Field | The type of extension as defined in the Directory. |
Originating Data Source Name | Call Field | When using Networked PBXs, this is the data source where the call started. |
Raw Extension | Call Field | When Reporting Extension modifies the Extension, this field shows the original value. |
Ring Time | Call Field | Amount of time the phone rang before the call was answered. |
Second Extension | Call Field | The second extension to where the call was transferred |
TransferID | Call Field | A Unique ID associated with each leg of a transferred call. |
UniqueID | Call Field | A Unique ID associated with each call. |
Abandoned | Call Flag | Indicates the caller hung up before the call was answered on an Inbound or Internal call. |
Auth Code Call | Call Flag | Indicates that an Authorization Code was used on the call. |
Conference | Call Flag | Indicates the call is part of a conference call. |
Mobile Termination | Call Flag | Indicates the call terminated on a mobile phone. This can only be determined for non-US calls. |
Transfer | Call Flag | Indicates the call was part of a transfer. |
Trunk to Trunk | Call Flag | Indicates the call was trunk-to-trunk. |
Voicemail | Call Flag | Indicates the call went to voicemail. |
Calling Party Number | Cisco | The party that placed the call. |
Cisco Login User ID | Cisco | This field is used to include the Cisco Login User ID. |
Destination Cause Code | Cisco | Cause Code is used to identify when a problem occurs with a call. The field provides a cause code for the call’s destination. |
Destination Cause Code Description | Cisco | Cause Code is used to identify when a problem occurs with a call. The field provides a cause code description for the call’s destination. |
Destination Cause Code Status | Cisco | Cause Code is used to identify when a problem occurs with a call. The field provides a cause code status for the call for the call’s destination. |
Destination Mobile Device Name | Cisco | Specifies the device name of the called party if the call is received by a Cisco mobile application. |
DestLegIdentifier | Cisco | DestLegIdentifier of the call. |
Device Name | Cisco | This field is used to include the name of a device. |
Device Type | Cisco | This field is used to include the type of device. |
Disconnect Initiator | Cisco | Party that disconnected a call. |
Final Called Party Number | Cisco | Gives the final destination of a call. |
GlobalCallId | Cisco | GlobalCallId of the call used for troubleshooting. |
Last Redirect DN | Cisco | The last extension that redirected the call to the person who answered |
Original Called Party Number | Cisco | Gives the original destination of a call, which may be different than its final destination |
Original Mobile Device Name | Cisco | Specifies the device name of the calling party if the call is placed from a Cisco mobile application. |
Originating Cause Code | Cisco | Cause Code is used to identify when a problem occurs with a call. The field provides a cause code for the call’s origination. |
Originating Cause Code Description | Cisco | Cause Code is used to identify when a problem occurs with a call. The field provides a cause code description for the call’s origination. |
Originating Cause Code Status | Cisco | Cause Code is used to identify when a problem occurs with a call. The field provides a cause code status for the call’s origination. |
OrigLegIdentifier | Cisco | OrigLegIdentifier of the call. |
Cost | Cost | Cost of the call as defined by the Billing Description. |
Call Hour | Date/Time | Displays the hour of the day in which the call occurred. Values: 00-23 |
Call Month | Date/Time | Displays the month in which the call occurred. Values: 01-12 |
Call Week | Date/Time | Week number according to the ISO-8601 standard, weeks starting on Monday. Values: 1-52 |
Call Year | Date/Time | Displays the year in which the call occurred in the format of YYYY. |
Date | Date/Time | Date on which the call(s) occurred. See the Formatting Tab topic for supported formats. |
Time | Date/Time | Time the call started. |
Alternate | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
Code (External) | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
Data | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
DID | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
Fax | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
First Name | Directory | First Name of the owner of the call. |
Home | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
Home Site | Directory | A Home Site is a physical location where a person is located. |
Last Name | Directory | Last name of the owner of the call. |
Mobile | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
Org 1 | Directory | One of the Directory fields that assigns organizational hierarchy to a person. |
Org 2 | Directory | One of the Directory fields that assigns organizational hierarchy to a person. |
Org 3 | Directory | One of the Directory fields that assigns organizational hierarchy to a person. |
Org 4 | Directory | One of the Directory fields that assigns organizational hierarchy to a person. |
Owner Name | Directory | Full name of the owner of the call in the format Last Name, First Name. |
Pager | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
Receiver Name | Directory | Full name of the user that received an internal call in the format Last Name, First Name. |
Title | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
User def 1 | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
User def 2 | Directory | One of the Directory fields to assign custom attributes to a person. |
City | Location | City based on the Phone Number of the call. |
Country Code Destination | Location | The ISO-3166 Country Code of the call’s destination. Ex: US. |
Country Name Destination | Location | The Country Name of the call’s destination. Ex: United Kingdom. |
Country Name Origin | Location | The Country Name of the call’s origination. Ex: United States. |
Coutry Code Origin | Location | The ISO-3166 Country Code of the call’s origination. Ex: US. |
Jurisdiction | Location | The classification of a call as defined by the Billing Description. Ex: Interstate/InterLATA. |
Location | Location | The City and State on the Phone Number of the call. |
State | Location | State based on the Phone Number of the call. |
Area Code | Phone Number | 3-digit number that identifies each telephone service area for countries that use the North American Numbering Plan. |
Area Code/Exchange | Phone Number | The Area Code identifies the service area and the Exchange identifies the local exchange or city for countries that use the North American Number Plan. |
Caller ID | Phone Number | The Caller ID of the party placing the call. |
CallerID Name | Phone Number | The Caller ID Name of the party placing the call. |
E.164 Phone Number | Phone Number | This is a phone number that has a maximum of fifteen digits and comprises of the country code and the national phone number. |
Phone Number | Phone Number | For an Inbound, Outbound or Trunk-to-Trunk call, this is the external party. For an Internal Call this is the party that received the call. |
Phone Number Group | Phone Number | Logical grouping of Phone Numbers as defined in the system. |
Average MOS | QOS | The average quality measured during the call. Values: 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). |
Call Quality Grade | QOS | The classification of Call Quality based on the Severely Concealed Seconds Ratio. Values: Good, Acceptable, Poor. |
Concealed Seconds | QOS | This field represents the time during which some concealment is observed during a call. |
Cumulative Concealed Ratio | QOS | This field represents the cumulative ratio of concealment time over speech time that is observed after starting a call. |
Interval Concealed Ratio | QOS | This field represents an interval-based average concealment rate that is the ratio of concealment time over speech time for the last 3 seconds of active speech. |
Jitter | QOS | This field describes the variations in latency of a VoIP transmission |
Latency | QOS | This is a measure of the time it takes for a packet of data to travel from its source to destination. A high amount of latency will lead to poor voice quality |
Maximum Concealed Ratio | QOS | This field represents the maximum concealed ratio that is observed during the call |
Maximum MOS | QOS | This field indicates the highest quality measured during the call. The range is 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). |
Minimum MOS | QOS | This field indicates the lowest quality measured during the call. The range is 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). |
Packets Lost | QOS | This constraint is used for QOS reports only and identifies number of packets lost in the transmission of a call, |
Severely Concealed Seconds | QOS | This represents the time during which a significant amount of concealment is observed. If the concealment that is observed is usually greater than 50 milliseconds or approximately 5 percent, the speech will not be very audible |
Severely Concealed Seconds Ratio | QOS | This field indicates the ratio of Severely Concealed Seconds to the Total Duration + Ring Time, i.e., SCSR = Total Severely Concealed Seconds/Total Duration + Ring Time. This can be calculated for a single call or for a set of calls. The lower the ratio, the better the call quality. |
Total Packets | QOS | Total number of packets used in the transmission of a call. |
Queue | Queue | The Queue or Hunt Group a call went through. |
Queue Time | Queue | Time call spent waiting in Queue. |
Queued Calls | Queue | Indicates the call was Queued. |
Facility Name | Trunk/Gateway | A grouping of Routes or Gateways. |
Route | Trunk/Gateway | Route or Gateway used by the call. |
Route Group Member | Trunk/Gateway | Route Group Member use by the call. |
Route Member | Trunk/Gateway | Route Member used by the call |
Source Facility Name | Trunk/Gateway | For trunk-to-trunk calls this is the facility the call came in on. |
Source Route | Trunk/Gateway | For trunk-to-trunk calls this is the Route or Gateway the call came in on. |
Source Route Member | Trunk/Gateway | For trunk-to-trunk calls this is the Route Member the call came in on. |